Web resources
Wikipedia on RESTful web services
JSON-B Serialization introduction
Stateless and stateful EJBs, Digest of EJB main features
- More on stateful Java beans and web applications
Spring Boot introduction (documentation and presentation (pass quickly on the not-REST part)) (Spring boot initializer and description)
Spring backend consuming REST webservices (another)
Load balancing in datacenters: link1
Miscellaneous material
Presentation on the "Acceleration of Large Language Models" Huawei Workshop 2023
Note: Install a browser extension for REST testing and debugging. For instance 'RESTClient' on Firefox.
Sample REST APIs from OpenWeatherMap web site: https://openweathermap.org/api
Some notes from the inventor of REST
A few remarks on the differences between SOAP and REST
How much data is created in internet per day (2017)