EJB resources:


Some examples for netbeans IDE:




Introduction to JEE architecture (skip jsp, jsf)



Suggested exercises:

  • Perform experiments on singleton, stateful and stateless EBJs, for instance in integration with the REST webservice suggested exercises.
  • Implement a sample service where the interface towards the clients is RESTful and the core business logic is implemented through java beans. For instance a simple calculator for complex numbers or vector data types. 
    • Implement the business logic as singleton or stateless beans and try to measure the performance differences from a test client
    • Test clients can be implemented as standalone java SE applications (e.g. as from https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2012/09/simple-rest-client-in-java.html)
    • Give also RMI access to a remote standalone java SE application and measure the performance differences
  • Implement a RESTful + EJB example for managing CRUD operations on a database through persistence. 
    • For example model the registration of users to various news topics (each use can feed news of the various topics and can see, by default, only the news of the topics he/she is subscribed.
    • At first consider each news associated to only one topic and then evaluate how the design would change if it could be related to more than one topic). 



  • Inspect and study the administration console of Glassfish application server (http://localhost:4848/ inside our virtual machine or directly installing netbeans with JEE support and Glassfish in your machine)