Let’s calculate the time of some interesting astronomical events for the sun today:
RIse, NOOn, SEt, Equation of time (RINOOSEE) program by Sandro Bartolini - solar system ephemerides data from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Location: "Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Scienze Matematiche (Siena)" - Geodetic location: (lat) 43.3139˚ (long) 11.339˚ (h) 305 m - Timezone (hours)= 1 - Sun time - timezone time: [-14.6441] -14m 38.644s - Leap seconds considered= 37 - Atmospheric refraction correction: 1033 mb pressure, 5˚C temperature RISE: 2017/12/21 - 07:45:35.385 az= 122.5146˚ NOON: 2017/12/21 - 12:12:48.723 alt= 23.2862˚ SET : 2017/12/21 - 16:40:02.280 az= 237.4850˚ Day duration: 8h 54m 26s NOON (official timezone time): 2017/12/21 - 12:12:48.723 NOON (longitude compensated time): 2017/12/21 - 11:58:10.079 Equation Of Time (EOT)= 1m 49.9s